Welcome back to my blog! Today I am excited to share the progress that I have made for this tech demo since the last. Please watch the video and I hope you guys like it.
From the video, here are some list of additional progress that I have made since the last blog:
Added Camera Trigger Animation when a Critical Hit has landed.
Player can now cast a healing spelling.
Enemy has a chance to land a critical hit when casting fire spells (but wasn't shown in the video).
For the camera trigger animation, I wanted the critical hit to have an extra effect when it landed so I used the animation tools that was provided by the unity and create a keyframe to allow to the camera's position back and front.
All RPG games can use healing during battle, so I decided to include a healing spelling for the player. When the player used the healing spell, the player will increase its health point by between 15 and 20. I also including a visual effect, so the players will know that healing spell has been casted.